2021 CanTRA Awards

Amber Caterer Walsh
Award Sponsor: John and Donna Davies
Photo courtesy of CARD
Amber started her volunteer work with CARD in April 1988, more than 33 consecutive years ago, working as a leader/sidewalker on Saturday mornings each week. This also included grooming and tacking up horses before classes. In 1999, Amber obtained her Assistant Instructor certification and began teaching Wednesday evenings. Amber now is the Volunteer Instructor for the Monday and or Wednesday afternoon classes each week" - Judy Wanless, Director of Volunteer Services, CARD

Ed Stacey
Award Sponsor: John and Donna Davies
Photo courtesy of CARD
ED STACEY has been volunteering with Mount View Special Riding (MVSRA) of Olds, Alberta for some 15 years. Every Tuesday through spring and fall sessions Ed has dutifully brought his gentle Fjord ponies Sensible, Sven, Lucky Surprise and Skoki Lodge the 50-plus kilometres from just outside Bergen to Olds for use by the club’s saddled riders. Ed, a year or two into his stint with MVSRA and sensing a need and opportunity, custom built a cart to accommodate wheel-chaired “riders”. They gleefully take the loose ends of his reins, playing games and “driving” through the pilons along with him. Ed, a modest and compassionate man, says that little in his life brings the satisfaction he gains from helping our riders. Ed truly has been a rare gift to all he has impacted.